Wednesday, March 20, 2013

weekly post

what i learned this week:

  • that trying to figure out what to do to make objects go with music is quite difficult
what i wish to learn in the future:

  • i want to learn how to make a full functional video game using ideas and techniques i have gained from this class
what frustrated me this week:

  • was when i forgot to draw characters for my 11 second animation like i planned on doing
what made me happy this week:

  • what made me happy was finishing my abstract audio project 

i chose this because it has some really good concept to it and storyline

No place like Oz post

what i learned:

  • that the monkey talks
  • that there is flying baboons 
  • also that the china doll is alive (i havn't seen the movie)

  • i like that they have it where you get to see the landscape of Oz because of the flight of the baboons
  • i don't like that he had to really fight for the flying baboon part to stay in
question: why didn't they make a movie revolved around the wizard in the first place?

8 steps to a successful filmmaking in the winter post

what i learned:

  • i didn't know you needed to Acclimate the camera
  • i didn't know you want to under expose your image
  • i didn't know you want to bring plastic bags with you

  • i don't like that the obvious is stated to bring warm clothing
  • i do like that they give enough steps to make sure you don't ruin your equipment
question: why did they have to tell you to wear warm clothing i thought that would be self explanatory

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

weekly post

what i learned this week:

  • i learned that lining up objects with audio is not as easy as i once thought its more tedious
what i want to learn in the future:

  • how to make interesting videos and video games in the future
what frustrated me this week:

  • was trying to get the objects to do stuff to go along with the audio
what made me happy this week:

  • was getting blogs done before i forgot (also breeding ALL THE STARTERS FROM EVERY POKEMON REGION for others with their egg moves)
i thought this had a good use of Alpha and a good use of angles and color combinations and i just love these amv's

how to make your videos good post

things i learned:

  • that its hard for people to talk to a camera like it was a living being
  • that companies buy certain channels that get a lot of subscribers in their field of work
  • that if you want people to watch your videos especially if they are tutorials do at least 1 every week.

  • i don't like how some stupid stuff can get some many subscribers and views when stuff like that cat vids are common knowledge to a normal person
  • i did like how they explained to talk like your talking to a friend and make it interesting to keep your viewers attention
question: why do people watch some videos that they should already know about? (such as taking care of a cat)

Pixar's Senior Scientist post

things i learned:

  • that they actually stated the use of math in animation
  • that they had to make a new physics engine for Merida's hair
  • also that her hair is made of 100,000 individual elements

  • i liked how much work they put in to make Merida's hair seem life like
  • i didn't like how many elements they needed to make her hair seem life like
question: why did it take so much work just to make her hair life like?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

weekly post

what i learned:

  • i learned that i really find lining up the audio with shapes is pretty difficult 
what i want to learn in the future:

  • how to make a really advanced character 
what frustrated me this week:

  • that i couldn't think about some things for my audio project
what made me happy this week:

  • what made me happy was when i got some ideas for my audio project 
i chose this cause it uses a good sense of emotion in its technique and it shows a good contrast of color

Amid Oscars Fanfare post

things i learned:

  • i learned that they declared bankruptcy even though they make a lot
  • i learned that they left many without jobs who ended up protesting
  • i learned that VFX has been around since 1902

  • i don't like how so many lost their jobs 
  • i like that the workers protested about the loss of their jobs for no good reason
question: why would they declare bankruptcy when they still were making money even if it wasn't as much as they wanted.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

guest commentary: life of indian 3D artists

things i learned:

  • they have to pay around 4 months pay as a deposit 
  • they get no interest to the money they deposited
  • that they can get fired or hired at any time 

  • i think its wrong that these studios treat these people like this i don't like it
  • i like that this man was smart enough to get out and get a job where hes able to spend time with his family
question: why must people always go after the biggest profit even if it means treating others like crap?